The Logan Reserve State School P&C Association plays a very important role in our school community and exists to work alongside the teaching and administrative staff to create a fun school environment where all parties can participate and enhance the school life of the children and wider community. Focus is on fun and fund-raising with profits returned to the school through grants, donations, sponsorships and the like. Services provided include our tuckshop, a second-hand uniform shop as well as fundraising projects to benefit our students.
All parents with children attending the school, as well as other interested family members and citizens, are eligible to join the P&C and attend P&C Association meetings.
The P&C Association meets in the school library every month on the second Tuesday at 3:30pm. The annual general meeting of the P&C is conducted in February each year. Meeting times will be advised via the school newsletter.
The P&C Association support fundraising events providing services and events for students. Major annual or regular fundraisers of the P&C include:

Monster Raffle
4 days a week tuck-shop service
Mothers' and Fathers' Day events
Student Discos/Dance Parties
Cookie Dough/Pie Drive
Colour Run
Second-hand Uniform Shop (First Monday of the month @ 2:30pm - email sent)
We can always use a helping hand, so please email the P&C.
External link
P&C 2024 Executive Committee
President - Taryn Manuel
Vice President - Vacant
Treasurer - Zachary Dragut
Secretary - Leanne Wilson